1. I am a customer with no company. Can I still register on the Goracash affiliate program?

Of course! Our program is open to both companies or customers.

2. Do I have to register more than once if I have more than one website?

No, it is not necessary to register several times! When registering once, you are allowed to use our services on all your websites with no limits.

3. To start working with Goracash®, what are the paperworks to fill up?

It is very simple, you only need to create your affiliate account on our Goracash® program.
Do not forget to return your contract signed and with ID and personsal documents required enclosed to get paid.

4. How can I check my statistics?

Our affiliates have access to a smart interface to check the live-stats of their revenue and to see all promotion tools to optimize your results. To add more reliability, the statistics are directly provided by our interim payment known for their financial strength and seriousness.

5. How and especially WHEN will I get paid?

To omptimize the time and all convenience, your payments will be made by bank transfer at the end of each month (payment of the commissions to 30 days at the end of the month on the receipt of your invoice). You can send us your invoices to the following email address: contact@newgora.com. With Goracash® you are certain to be paid on time.

6. Is it simple to intall Goracash® promotion tools?

It is very simple to install our Goracash® promotion tools, even for the newbies! You only need to copy and paste the souce codes provided. Do not forget that the more our promotion tools are visible on your website, the better is for you to earn more cash! Do not hesitate to contact your Affiliate Manager for any help.

7. Are you easy to join? Do you give advices?

Yes our team remains available to give you any tips to start the business and to optimize your earnings. Do not hesitate to contact us !

8. How to attract visitors on my website and to otpmize the visibility of the promotion tools?

There so many ways to increase the trafic on your website : SEO, Google Adwords, partnership, emailing etc.
To begin with, check our "Guide Docs" on the interface
To optimize the visibility our promotion tools (ads, direct links, scripts ...), please save them your best placements on the website.

9. Do you have an ethics code related to the activity of Goracash®?

Indeed, we honor our own code of ethics, stated at the bottom of every page we publish.

10. I do not live in France ! I can still promote your offers?

Of course! Whether you are a company or an individual leaving abroad, you can sign in Goracash® to monetize your traffic!

11. Why do I see the tracking ID 1234 who is not my affiliate ID?

Your webmaster ID is used for the tracking and appears in all scripts provided in your affiliate interface. The tracking can also be done by using a cookie placed on the client. If a user visits your website, clicks on an Goracash® ad, he/she will arrive on the login page, a cookie is then placed on the user's labtop. If the client does not pay immediately, but returns within 30 days without your ID, the selling will still belongs to you!

On the opposite, do not forget to empty your cookies before testing your links. I you see the ID 1234, it means that you are the first visited the Bienvenue-Voyance without your affiliate ID. Therefore, the cookie corresponds to the default ID 1234 is now placed on your labtop. In this case, delete your cookies and test again.